Maladministration is not defined either by the Constitution or in Schedule 5. However, Paragraph 6 (1) of Schedule 5 does offer a strong indication of what would be considered maladministration where the Ombudsman’s investigation leads to any of the opinions set out in the paragraph.
According to the Schedule, after investigating the complaint, the Ombudsman can form the opinion that the action taken by the public officer or authority:
Or that:
All these would be considered to be acts of maladministration.
If, at the conclusion of an investigation, the Ombudsman forms the opinion that any of the elements of maladministration have been found, the opinion will be reported and reasons given together with any recommendations or remedies considered fit to make to the respondent public authority (Paragraph 6(1))
The Ombudsman can recommend:
The Ombudsman must report the opinion and the reasons together with any recommendation and remedy the Ombudsman considers fit to make to the public authority investigated and also inform the President or relevant minister through a copy of the report.
The report can set out a time limit within which it is reasonable for the report to be acted upon.
Where the Ombudsman is of the opinion that the report is not adequately acted upon within the time limit given, or where no time limit is stated, within a reasonable time that the Ombudsman believes is reasonable, the Ombudsman can submit the report and recommendations to the President and the National Assembly, together with any further observations she thinks fit to make along with any comments that may have been made by the respondent public authority (Paragraph 6(5)).
The Ombudsman must also inform the complainant of the result of every complaint received.