Past Ombudsman of Seychelles

Nichole Tirant—Gherardi

Past Ombudsman March 2017 to April 2024

Barrister and Attorney at law LLB University of Liverpool. She started her career in the public service as an assistant secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture before joining the Attorney- General’s Chambers as State Counsel and later the private bar as an attorney.

She spent 11 years at the head of the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce & Industry as Secretary General before moving into business as managing editor and co-founder of a daily newspaper Today in Seychelles.

She left the paper upon appointment as Ombudsman.

Dora Zatte

Ombudsman February 2010 to February 2017

Dora Zatte is a Barrister of Middle Temple, Attorney at law and notary who completed her LLB at the University of East Anglia in 1997. She had previously served as a Sate Counsel at the Attorney Generals chamber until February 2010 when she was appointed as Ombudsman and served a term of 7 years. She was also appointed Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission for a term of four years in 2010 and reappointed for a second term in 2014.

Gustave Dodin

Ombudsman January 2004 to January 2010

Gustave Dodin worked as a state prosecutor in the Attorney General’s chambers before he was called to the Seychelles Bar as an Attorney in 1998.

From 1996 to 2003 he held the position of Registrar General.

He was also Chairperson of the Family Tribunal and Chairman of the Employment Advisory Board before his appointment as Ombudsman in January 2004. Upon the establishment of the first National Human Rights Commission in 2009, Judge Dodin became its first chairperson by virtue of the statu- tory provision that made the serving Ombudsman ex officio chair of the Commission. He was appointed to the position of Supreme Court Judge in February 2010, a position he still holds.

Bernadin Renaud

Ombudsman November 1993 to December 2003

The first Ombudsman upon creation of the post in the Constitution of the Third Republic in 1993. He was appointed in November 1993 and served a full seven-year term before being re-appointed for a second term in 2000. He was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court in 2003 and later became a Justice of Appeal a position he held until his retire- ment in July 2019.

He was appointed Chairperson of the newly established Human Rights Commission in July 2019.

Justice Renaud began his career as a labour commissioner before taking up law studies that would make him an attorney at law. In 1992 he co-chaired the Constitutional Commission that took the country from a one-party socialist state to a multiparty democracy after which he almost naturally became the most suitable candidate for the post of Ombudsman.