24 Jan International Day of Education
“Learning for People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace” is the theme adopted for this year’s International Day of Education celebrated today to honour and highlight the importance of education to our social well-being and sustainable development.
Education is a fundamental human right, enshrined in Article 33 of the Constitution and under article 76 of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights. It is the process by which we learn and acquire knowledge and understanding. The right to education is a public responsibility that demands of us an inclusive and quality educational system aimed at the complete development of our young citizens. The system must empower all citizens to fulfil their constitutional duties and positively contribute to the economic and social well-being of our society, further the national interest, protect, preserve and improve the environment by working conscientiously in a chosen profession, occupation or trade and uphold and defend the Constitution and the law.
This year’s theme invites reflection on how learning can empower people, preserve the planet, build mutual prosperity and ultimately nurture peace. It calls for a more ‘human’ approach to education to encourage self-development and increased responsibility that will enable individuals, especially our youth, to make positive contributions to society.
Educated citizens are better informed and more understanding about the challenges faced by society and therefore better able to tackle the social problems and injustices detected. When citizens are fully committed to the national cause, they will embrace and promote democracy and participate unconditionally in the national effort. Finally, by promoting advocacy and greater participation in our democracy, citizens will ensure an efficient and effective community which will inevitably bring peace and reconciliation.
Education also shapes the values and perspectives by which we live and through which we will learn to take better care of our environment, our fragile island home. We have seen how human recklessness and inaction is causing damage and destruction to the environment and affecting our climate. Education raises awareness on these environmental issues and nurtures the novel ideas that can fix them.
Good education and sensitisation equips citizens with new and improved skills which prepare them to abandon unsustainable lifestyles and adopt improved sustainable practices that will benefit future generations and the environment we live in.
A comprehensive educational system comprising academic and vocational education will ensure that no one is left behind. Good educational and training systems adapted to the needs of our citizens enhance job opportunities that give everyone a chance.
As our youth start out on this new academic year, may they be reminded of their constitutional duty to take full advantage of the education offered to them. May the teachers and planners behind the education system renew their commitments to providing an education of the highest standard that can shape values and principles and teach and promote fundamental rights. And may “We, the People” recognise the right to education as the foundation for freedom, justice, welfare, fraternity, peace and unity and commit to making a good education system the foundation stone of our democratic system which will help create an adequate and progressive social order in which food, clothing, shelter, education, health and a steadily rising standard of living is guaranteed to all Seychellois.